19 August 2010

Blackberries are yummy

Got my new phone and new cell phone company. For the first few months i am betting i will have no problem with the company but i bet, like every other cell phone company, things will go wrong. Oh well, at least i like my phone this time. I got the Blackberry bold 9 thousand something or other and so far i really like it. I'm still getting used to the phone, it took me and Marc awhile to find the voice mail.

So i'm going on my third day of no work and i'm starting to stress. I applied to jobs today but i'm getting that sinking feeling of poorness coming back. I liked having money, it made life easier. I'm so scared i wont find anything and will be stuck at home forever and ever like the last few months. I hated it. Hated everything about it. I never want to go back to being a SAHW it sucks donkey balls hardcore. I don't know how people do it, even people who have a shit ton of money. Well i mean if you already have a lot of money i guess they just shop and get manicures all the time and go out with other rich friends.

I'm scared i'm going to have to settle on retail work....UGH. I would rather get more experience in office work. It pays a little more and the hours are usually great and i can keep working at it as i go back to school. Le Sigh.

We went to go see the price of knee high stockings today and they didn't impress us. I mean sure it's about 50$ cheaper but it's still expensive when your stupid insurance will only cover 50$ per year and that has been used. They had more styles at least. Marc has plans to order from the States, so much cheaper but he has to get the right measurements first.

Besides that our lives are pretty normal, we might go check the farmers market this weekend but the choice is limited and well the prices are expensive and if i'm not working then we need to save.

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