08 January 2012

I've got my lunch packed up, my boots tied tight, I hope I don't get into a fight


Back to school!

I go back to the Paralegal program at O'Sullivan College on the 16th, and I am flipping out! I will be with a new group and well just going back to the daily grind of being a student. I have moments where I am flipping out and wanting to run and hide but then a second after that moment I get this overwhelming sense of excitement. I don't understand it.

Today I went school supply shopping in the hope that it will get me REALLY excited, it kinda worked. I LOVE shopping for school supplies, stick me in any bureau en gros and I get this tingly feeling. I spent the afternoon setting up the school supplies and figuring out transport schedules and what not.

I am still getting the "RUN AWAY!!" feeling though :P.

With the last week off I will watch Dexter reruns and try to calm my nerves.

Recently I have been thinking of going ahead and doing some OOTDs on my blog, you know to change it up. I thought about it awhile ago but I guess I was just too nervous. It invites whole other readership and well...trolls. But I think it's time to bite the bullet and test it out. It will take some getting used to and I wont be posting OOTDs on a regular basis at first but it will help me figure out new outfits and rework old clothes. The joys of being a student...always poor.

In the next few weeks there might be more posts on the joys of finding a new place to live and then the process of moving all our crap. I don't move well so there may be some rant intensive posts coming up.

Stay Tuned!

1 comment:

  1. I'll wish you luck if you wish me luck! Like you, I go back to school next week, except I go back on the 17th because of MLK Day. I'm hoping to graduate with my MA soon, but much more frightening is that this semester, as a part of my graduate assistantship, I'm teaching English 112 (College Composition & Research), which is a course I've never taught...and I'm doing it without help. Maker help me!!

    Anyway, good luck with school and with finding a new place to reside. May your move be swift and uneventful! :)
