10 February 2012


When I was about 12 or so my mom attempted to get me to learn how to crochet. Well it didn't work. I am someone that likes the see results fast, have no attention span, and clumsy hands. So all that combined with "I wanna hang out with friiieeennnddddssss Mommy!!!!!", there was no way I was going to master how to crochet. On that note my brother used to knit. He got right into it, like sitting on the couch in the middle of summer knitting. It was awesome. I don't really know if he still knits, I'll have to ask him.

Well I'm 25 now, still like to see results fast, no attention span (you should see me try to pay attention after 5 minutes in class), and I swear my hands have only increased in their clumsiness. But I am really stressed out...like I have been tempted to seek help stressed out, and I am always worrying about something. I need something to keep me still, something that will be created as I sit still. I used to draw a lot but now I might draw one picture a year (if I'm around kids I will reproduce the same dragon over and over and over and over again to keep them quiet and sitting hehehe). I also want something I can take with me on the train or bus to school that takes up little room in my bag.

I have been seeing so many people post their little amigurumi creations all over Facebook and I really really want to create some for myself, and friends, and kid family members. So I asked my mom if she still had any beginner books laying around, and if I could have them. Yes, there are youtube videos and countless blogs all about how to crochet, but I need a physical book in my hands if I am going to do this.

I dunno when I will start, but I'm hoping I can start reading during my March break and then start making simple things by summer. We'll see.

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