17 December 2010

My problems with Fido

My issues with Fido didn't really start as problems, more like indifference. Dropped calls, low call quality, poor customer service... these are things common to the wireless industry, I told myself. Even while my wife repeatedly told me they were a bad company, and she wanted away from them, my pessism told me the grass couldn't be greener anywhere else.

But then, loving my wife, I tried to give her what she wanted, escape from Fido... and that's when the hatred began. We found a legitimate cause to end our contracts early with no fees. We struggled to educate the operators on the phone about the laws regarding wireless companies in Canada (finding out that not only did they not have a copy in their cubicles or access to them on the web, but had never even HEARD of these laws). Eventually, sufficiently educated, they agreed that I was allowed to cancel my contract with no fees, but that my wife would have to be on the line to do the same. I was given a reference number and told it would be "no problem" to process hers in the same way that night.

LIES. When I called them back that night, I had to "educate" a whole new person, who did not believe the notes in the file explaining what these laws were. I had to speak to his supervisor, and convince him too. Finally, I was told everything was in order, and let off the phone. At this point, I had spent 4 hours over the course of the day on the phone with this company.

Five minutes after getting off the phone and taking a calming breath, my phone rings. A super-supervisor. He says that we are 1 day to late to be eligible to cancel based on these laws (oh look, someone who DOES know what he's talking about). I argue with him for 15 minutes, and concede depressing defeat. He offers us new contracts with iPhones or Blackberries to try to make us feel better.

Fido: when someone has spent over 4 hours learning to hate your company due to your intentional ignorance, do not console them with offers of increased contract length. That's just in bad taste.

Anywho, long story short, switching to Videotron.

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