29 April 2011

The wedding.....yawn.

Everybody is gushing over this royal wedding thing. I mean good for them for being happy etc but really it's kinda over the top. But then again I really don't like weddings to begin with.

This morning I had to actually put effort into finding news that wasn't about the wedding. The whole damn world did not stop people! It's so irritating that people are gaga for two people they do not know! And people got up at 3am to watch this? Don't they have lives?

And there is my FB page that is littered with wedding stuff now *gag*

Enough of that.

My dinner plans were almost ruined!! O..MI..GOD!! But they are ok :). I found out that my youngest brother will be leaving for Quebec City on the 4th and will be gone for 3 days. He didn't give me any more information, the bugger, so i'm there wondering how they are counting their days: Will he be home Friday or Saturday or maybe even Sunday if the 4th and 8th are strictly travel days..I did not know! So I called my mom up last night to get the details so I could cancel the dinner if needs be, and I was told he would be coming back on the Friday so all is well in my world of planning.

Insurance might be too much to go to Winnipeg. We checked some places up and we really do not want to spend an arm and a leg going. If I'm spending a lot of money on a trip i'm going south. Also we still don't know if Marc can even go so everything is up in the air. I also need to find a job so if I get one and can't leave then....well we don't leave. In about a week we will know more.

1 comment:

  1. Thank goodness... someone else who doesn't really care about the royal wedding one way or another. I couldn't careless (thought I did enjoy looking at the pictures while at work earlier with some of the girls there). Like you, I don't like weddings to begin with and I'll be damned if I'm going to get 3 hours of sleep because I just must see the wedding. No way, not at all.
