05 May 2011

I finally have a spice cabinet!

I have been looking for one for....about 5-6 years. I have way to many spices in my cupboards, and almost every time I would go look for a spice I needed about 10 of them would fall on my head. It was incredibly irritating. When I cook I like things to be within reach, I like things organized. A big part of my cooking involve a lot of spices, so each time I would cook I would get frustrated and turn into a little kid having a temper tantrum. Not pretty.

Over the years I have come across some nice spice cabinets, but the prices were not so nice. I didn't want to spend a lot but I didn't want something cheap looking either (something that would fall a part the minute you open the door). A few weeks back I told Marc that I would love a spice cabinet, he just looked at me and said "That's nice dear" :p but I figured if I kept pestering him he might start to entertain the idea of looking for one too. Yesterday rolls around, and I am with a friend who is in search of a leather jacket. We were looking online but we couldn't find anything in her price range or style so she started asking about Village des Valeurs (Value Village). We head over there, and I have no intention of getting anything but as we are walking down the aisles I spot this cabinet and run towards it. I pick it up and start looking it over and testing the door, every thing works! There are a few scratches in the back but who cares! For 7$ I found my spice cabinet. I don't really know if it is a spice cabinet but it looks like one, and it is holding all my spices :)

Now I just need to find some spice jars and my set up will be complete. I am very happy with my find.

This pointless post was brought to you by Britney, and her tabby who insisted the keyboard was his new bed.

1 comment:

  1. Very important information provide about cabinet that beneficial for us....
    Spice Cabinet
