02 May 2011

I like lists

I really do. They complete me. I make lists for everything. I do not go grocery shopping without a list, I do not go to my parents house without a list.

So about a month before we leave for Winnipeg I am making a list of what to pack. I pack a few times before I leave for a big trip, it makes me happy and it brings down my stress level. Today I started said list and I emailed it to Marc for him to add what he needs and he tells me this: "I will know what to pack a few days before we leave". What? What? *bangs head on wall* No, I need this list! He of course knows my insane need for a list...he just ignores it :P. So I take it upon myself to write out his part because it makes me happy. I email it to him and tell him "that one way or the other I am making you write a list now because I know you will feel the need to correct things on your list". I think, though, he will ignore it just to bug me some more.

So I have the first draft of my list ready, in the coming weeks I will refine it :) Yes I am weird.

I will also have a list of what to do before we leave and what time we should be there and what to bring (bags, purse etc.) to the bus stop. I think by June 1st I will have no less than 3 lists going.

Last night we were talking about the trip and thinking that it might be better to cancel going and try later this year. Marcs dad was in the hospital a few weeks ago and, although he is home now and looking much better, we are worried he will have to go back just when we are ready to leave. We don't go on many trips, and we tend to have bad luck so we are nervous. We did find out, though, that we can cancel the tickets for the dates we pick and move them to another date within a year for only 15$. So knowing that, we decided that if we get the go ahead from Marcs Doctor on Thursday we book the bus tickets on Tuesday. I then began the crazy list making.

Today I woke up feeling like shit. I tried to workout but my body was having none of it. Hopefully tomorrow I will be feeling a little better.

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