10 January 2012


I think it deserves all caps.

We got the "You have 30 days to decide if you are renewing you lease or moving" letter and although we knew we'd be moving it still makes it real. It's still early to look for apartments, most are for sublets and there is no way I am moving mid semester. So we wait until June.

Today we started talking about the logistics of THE MOVE and realized that it would be well outside our budget to hire movers. Ideally it would be the way to go: We don't have to ask family and friends, Marc wont have to worry about his leg, less stress. I've been reading a lot about people getting screwed over by movers and having to pay a couple hundred more than what was agreed on or they don't get their stuff back. It worries me. I know, I know, it doesn't happen a lot but still I'd rather know what my expenses will be. Besides we are moving within the city so it's not that bad...right?!

We have been talking about slowly packing stuff up into boxes starting February and then renting a storage container and putting them into it, then once all the furniture is moved we go and get the boxes on our own time. We don't have a lot of furniture and some we aren't keeping so with help and a rented van we move the furniture and get out of the apartment faster. It's about 68$ for the smallest container, which would be more than enough room. And insurance is only 4$ for 1000$. I wouldn't put my most valuable stuff in there, just clothes we don't need, books, knickknacks, pictures. You know the small stuff that takes up time on moving day.

Then we'd just get beer and food for friends and family who want to help so overall A LOT cheaper. And if we end up staying in the area we currently live in, instead of going downtown, it wont take that much time.

Telling Marc that I want to start slowly packing and do deep cleaning months before the move helps with my stress levels. The last time we moved he was pushing things back and then left for Vegas for a week for work and we had like a week left to pack :P This year he said he's taking two weeks off: one before the move and one after so that I wont be stuck with packing and unpacking alone again. That's very sweet of him :)

Maybe I should make a tab where I can stick all the moving posts in. But for sure there will be lists galore to help my organize lol.

Also: To friends and family who may be reading this...we will offer food and beer and much thankage. We could really use the help :)


  1. Assuming you're not doing the actual move on a workday, I'll be happy to help! Move downtown!

  2. Thanks! We'll know more as time goes on. We hope to move downtown, would be a lot easier to get to school and work :)

  3. Sounds stressful! I don't envy the task you have to do, but it seems like you're taking every step to make it as easy as possible. I hope everything goes well for you in the upcoming months!
