My better half is entered into a contest for Addition Elle to win a shopping spree and a modelling contract! So vote for her, it would be awesome if she wins!
Thanks a bunch!
Nicolas Cage thanks you
10 October 2013
28 July 2013
Ramblings within my head
I have been gone awhile. Life has been a little crazy on my end.
So lets just ignore this break shall we?
I realized something a few days ago and it kinda made me feel better but at the same time I felt like a horrible person. That I am damaged and there really is no way to fix me. I could go to therapy but I never had good experiences there, I'd rather see if I can maybe change myself.
Over the last few years I have noticed that I am very much an introvert. I tried to fool myself into thinking I wasn't but the fact is I am. And I know that pisses people off, most don't understand that if I am pushed into a room with a shit ton of people I will flip my shit. Outside I'll smile and try to talk to people but inside I am flipping out! I constantly try to control my shakes, I feel like I can't breath, sometimes the room spins and ultimately I end up in the corner just trying to breath so in the end I look like some antisocial freak who hates everyone.
I never understood why I always felt like I needed a few days to hide out in my house and stay quiet until I read an article about people who are introverts (can't remember what article, it was awhile ago), and everything clicked. I was like WHOA!! so other people feel this way too! I felt better and didn't try to change myself anymore, I was comfortable with being the introvert and just doing my thing.
Not too long ago I realized something, I can't make friends. I really can't. I have some friends who I've known for a long time but making new friends is almost impossible to me. I know I come off as a cold, mean, unapproachable etc, and most times I really really do not mean to give off that impression. I see so many people make new friends and have a great time and I sit back and watch. I can't connect with people I guess.
I had a lot of friends in elementary school and high school but never anyone I could me with. Well no one except my cousin who I honestly viewed as a sister more than a cousin. We had spats and fights but we always turned to each other for everything. I guess I got comfortable and never thought I'd lose that but then I did and I just can't connect with anyone on that level again. And I seriously wonder if I ever will again. I have some people that I will just let lose around but, I don't's not the same. I do have my friend L who I adore and keeps me sane when I'm about to lose my shit and we have gone through some serious stuff together but besides her I just can't connect with anyone.
I used to think I could talk to people and make new friends but now I do it through the husband. When he meets someone new and I am brave enough to go be social I will hover around him as like my safety net. I know I am a very high strung person and I stress and worry incredibly easily which turns a lot of people off. That is something I am actively trying to correct, I had someone in my school lay it on tough for me last semester about my stress and since then I have been managing it better. I realize I can't stress about everything, that sometimes you don't need a list to check things off. I am grateful she sat me down and just told me straight that I can't keep going the way I'm going. It will kill me.
I am rambling but it is something I noticed and maybe I can change things...
So lets just ignore this break shall we?
I realized something a few days ago and it kinda made me feel better but at the same time I felt like a horrible person. That I am damaged and there really is no way to fix me. I could go to therapy but I never had good experiences there, I'd rather see if I can maybe change myself.
Over the last few years I have noticed that I am very much an introvert. I tried to fool myself into thinking I wasn't but the fact is I am. And I know that pisses people off, most don't understand that if I am pushed into a room with a shit ton of people I will flip my shit. Outside I'll smile and try to talk to people but inside I am flipping out! I constantly try to control my shakes, I feel like I can't breath, sometimes the room spins and ultimately I end up in the corner just trying to breath so in the end I look like some antisocial freak who hates everyone.
I never understood why I always felt like I needed a few days to hide out in my house and stay quiet until I read an article about people who are introverts (can't remember what article, it was awhile ago), and everything clicked. I was like WHOA!! so other people feel this way too! I felt better and didn't try to change myself anymore, I was comfortable with being the introvert and just doing my thing.
Not too long ago I realized something, I can't make friends. I really can't. I have some friends who I've known for a long time but making new friends is almost impossible to me. I know I come off as a cold, mean, unapproachable etc, and most times I really really do not mean to give off that impression. I see so many people make new friends and have a great time and I sit back and watch. I can't connect with people I guess.
I had a lot of friends in elementary school and high school but never anyone I could me with. Well no one except my cousin who I honestly viewed as a sister more than a cousin. We had spats and fights but we always turned to each other for everything. I guess I got comfortable and never thought I'd lose that but then I did and I just can't connect with anyone on that level again. And I seriously wonder if I ever will again. I have some people that I will just let lose around but, I don't's not the same. I do have my friend L who I adore and keeps me sane when I'm about to lose my shit and we have gone through some serious stuff together but besides her I just can't connect with anyone.
I used to think I could talk to people and make new friends but now I do it through the husband. When he meets someone new and I am brave enough to go be social I will hover around him as like my safety net. I know I am a very high strung person and I stress and worry incredibly easily which turns a lot of people off. That is something I am actively trying to correct, I had someone in my school lay it on tough for me last semester about my stress and since then I have been managing it better. I realize I can't stress about everything, that sometimes you don't need a list to check things off. I am grateful she sat me down and just told me straight that I can't keep going the way I'm going. It will kill me.
I am rambling but it is something I noticed and maybe I can change things...
23 December 2012
2 more sleeps till Christmas!
I only started getting into the Christmas spirit yesterday afternoon, I was kinda grumpy and all "Bah Humbug" but I realized that I couldn't go see family and be like that. And I had no reason to be such a grumpy person.
I think I was just missing my Dad and my Father in law and knowing that when I say "I'm going up to my Mums to see her for Christmas" I remember that no I'm going up to my great aunts and there is no more family home. But that is no reason to feel like this can't still be a very lovely Christmas. There is still family around, and a warm home and good food waiting!
Tomorrow I head off to work early and hopefully it will be a half day, Marc is meeting me at the office and then we head up north to be with his family :)
Besides holiday talk I got all my grades in and I passed my semester. I even did better than I thought I would. I got 100% on an exam I didn't finish (I don't think anyone in the class finished it), it was a hard and long exam. The class was on research and getting all that done in 2 hours was almost impossible. I really think he made a mistake though, I couldn't have answered all what I answered right and I rushed the case summaries we had to do :P Anyway, that is the news on school. I have a month off (besides working) and then it's back and apparently this coming semester will be a lot harder.
Hold me.
As I said I bought 2 new shoes, well one is a pair of boots. The pair of shoes were bought with one event in mind (and they were on a huge sale :) ) but it isn't till next year so they are just sitting in my closet being pretty. Although I do break them out every so often to walk around in them.
Here they are:
There are sparkly, 3 or 4 inch platforms and actually pretty comfortable. I do need to put some anti-slip grips on the bottom though as the event is in the winter, and although I will be wearing boots half the time I'm sure I will still slip on some water that got inside or even just slip while standing still. I have mastered that skill! I will post the boots later this week.
Which reminds me, I have had my first fall before Christmas. It's like tradition now, but I didn't break or hurt anything so I suspect another fall is imminent. I fell walking towards the car, there was a couple in front of me and I just went down on my butt. I couldn't stop laughing. My butt was a little sore for a few minutes but I was fine. The couple were like OMG ARE YOU OK??!!!, but once they saw me laughing I guess they figured I was just fine. Leave it to me to fall eh. O and I was actually wearing the proper footwear for a winter storm :P
Have a Happy Christmas with loved ones!!!!!
12 December 2012
I have been gone awhile.
Life got in the way, school happened, work happened etc etc.
So what happened in those 3 subjects up there? Well......
We moved, and spent most of the summer working, visiting people and sleeping. I went from studying to work with no break and I was exhausted. Coming here was the last thing on my mind. OK I know there are plenty of people doing ten times more than just going from exams to work, I don`t even have kids! There isn`t much for me to complain about but for me, in my life, I was exhausted.
Moving on.
I then went from working back to school and this semester has kicked mylittle BIG behind. I had maybe 2 weeks out of the 15 where I wasn`t running around getting homework and/or studying done. I am currently nearing the end of the finals season (2 more exams !!!) and I plan to A) drink heavily for the weekend and B) Go back to work full-time. I like part "A" more.
In the middle of this insane semester (the teachers were kind enough to remind us that next semester proves to be even worse. Cue tears in 3...2...1) I got a call from my brother informing me that my mums house burned down. Well Shit.
I went from having an OK day to crying for over an hour. When I found out that my mum, youngest brother and the 2 dogs got out with no injuries I proceeded to think about everything material that was in the house I grew up in. All the things my mum and dad spent years collecting, everything from Germany, all the dads ashes...all gone. I found out later that his ashes had survived, the urn was burnt but they were intact I was a little happier but everything from him was gone. It`s hard enough having him gone but now there are barely any material things left. My mum was able to find a picture of when they were younger and it helped her a lot. It was one of her favourites.
So where once there was a house there is only a skeleton of wood.
Anyway, as I said, life got in the way.
On another note I have been growing out my hair since August and let me tell you it sucks balls. And not the good kind. I hate it so effin much I want to just shave it off. There is no style (even when I get it "styled" at the hair dressers), I can`t do anything with it. It just sits there and laughs at me. Stupid hair.
Once Friday comes around I hope to be back with little updates, and life stories, and shoe purchases (I have two to show :D).
O and here`s our yearly Christmas card!
I have been gone awhile.
Life got in the way, school happened, work happened etc etc.
So what happened in those 3 subjects up there? Well......
We moved, and spent most of the summer working, visiting people and sleeping. I went from studying to work with no break and I was exhausted. Coming here was the last thing on my mind. OK I know there are plenty of people doing ten times more than just going from exams to work, I don`t even have kids! There isn`t much for me to complain about but for me, in my life, I was exhausted.
Moving on.
I then went from working back to school and this semester has kicked my
In the middle of this insane semester (the teachers were kind enough to remind us that next semester proves to be even worse. Cue tears in 3...2...1) I got a call from my brother informing me that my mums house burned down. Well Shit.
I went from having an OK day to crying for over an hour. When I found out that my mum, youngest brother and the 2 dogs got out with no injuries I proceeded to think about everything material that was in the house I grew up in. All the things my mum and dad spent years collecting, everything from Germany, all the dads ashes...all gone. I found out later that his ashes had survived, the urn was burnt but they were intact I was a little happier but everything from him was gone. It`s hard enough having him gone but now there are barely any material things left. My mum was able to find a picture of when they were younger and it helped her a lot. It was one of her favourites.
So where once there was a house there is only a skeleton of wood.
Anyway, as I said, life got in the way.
On another note I have been growing out my hair since August and let me tell you it sucks balls. And not the good kind. I hate it so effin much I want to just shave it off. There is no style (even when I get it "styled" at the hair dressers), I can`t do anything with it. It just sits there and laughs at me. Stupid hair.
Once Friday comes around I hope to be back with little updates, and life stories, and shoe purchases (I have two to show :D).
O and here`s our yearly Christmas card!
06 August 2012
Review: Deville dinerbar
I would pass by this restaurant on my way to school every day but never tried it, well last Friday night was the night. And it was not a mistake.
You walk in to a very modern styled dinner, that opens up to a dining room area in the back. We decided to sit in the front in a booth right near the bar. They have paper place mats but it suits the décor and style of the restaurant. On the place mat is also a bar code you can scan with your phone (Blackberry and Iphone only for the moment) and choose the music you want to hear. Jukebox at your fingertips.
The staff were all very nice, we got served drinks almost right away and the food always arrived at the right moment. We never felt rushed and we had time in-between meals to enjoy what we just ate. If you're in a hurry though you may find it a little slow. The food and drinks are not cheap so do keep that in mind.
(Marc and Nick: if you have something you want to add about your food let me know, I'll put it in!)
The food:
It was very difficult to decide on what to eat, we all did agree on the appetizers but for the main meal it was a lot of back and forth.
First came the Fried Pickles, the Cheesy Mac and Cheese Stuffed Wontons and Salt and Pepper Calamari.
First off. Ummm you need to try their fried pickles. When I first saw that I was like uhh that sounds gross, but no. It is amazing. Dipping them in the Dijon sauce makes it a party in your mouth. Get your butt over there and order the pickles! Don't wait just go!
The Wontons were also delicious! They just fell apart in your mouth! They are fully stuffed and taste like the Mac and Cheese your mom would make.
Some Calamari come out very greasy, flavourless and rubbery. But here they were none of the above. You didn't need to dip them in the sauce to get any flavour, they were not dripping with grease and they were not even close to be rubber. You get a big bowl of these too.
Next came the main meal. Marc ordered the Deville Burger with added Bacon (they smoke their own bacon by the way), it was HUGE. Looking at it made me full! He had trouble finishing the fries near the end!
Nick was going to go with the catch of the day but they sold out so he went with the Shepherd's Pot Pie. It was also HUGE. It was a large round pastry stuffed with all the things that make shepherd's pie good. But the meat was not ground hamburger it was shredded meat. It looked amazing, and he said it was delicious.
I kept going back and forth between the Chicken Shnitzel and Spaetzle and the Pan Seared Diver Scallops. I settled on the Scallops last minute and I was not disappointed. The scallops with large and served on a thick slice of polenta. The meal was perfect. The scallops tasted great, the veggies were the perfect amount of cooked (not too hard and not too soft), the polenta sat in the sauce and soaked it all up. It was very hard to finish the plate.
Last came Dessert. We decided on The Big Easy Beignets. You have to order those when you order your meal because they make them fresh. They were giant! And there were a lot of them. It was served with a caramel sauce and a chocolate sauce. When you cut one open it just falls apart. Out of the two sauces I enjoyed the chocolate more. I could have just licked the bowl clean. I will definitely be going back just for the dessert!
The portions are huge, so be prepared to waddle out of there. But it is worth it. I wouldn't go there often because of the price but I can see myself stopping in for the post exam wine and Beignets!
Be warned though: On the menu it says they deep fry with peanut oil, Marc asked about it because of his peanut allergy and they said they no longer fry with peanut oil. Check anyways just incase they bring it back.
29 July 2012
The Game
When I heard that Diablo III was coming out I got really excited. I remember Diablo II being the first computer game I really got into.
I am not a gamer. I don't play many console video games and if I do it's more for the fun of it. I don't spend too much time on quests or anything. I also tend to get massive headaches when playing console games so I really spend maybe 40 minutes and I have to close the game.
With Diablo though, I can play for a long time. I get so lost in the game that I lose track of time. Best part: no headaches! And it's actually a really fun game!
I'm still in the beginning of the game (only a level 13) but I'm already getting really into it. I have no clue how to give a game review as it's really not my thing but I find the graphics pretty good, and the story is interesting.
Anyways my handle is: GeryGiggles#1585 and this is my character:
I am not a gamer. I don't play many console video games and if I do it's more for the fun of it. I don't spend too much time on quests or anything. I also tend to get massive headaches when playing console games so I really spend maybe 40 minutes and I have to close the game.
With Diablo though, I can play for a long time. I get so lost in the game that I lose track of time. Best part: no headaches! And it's actually a really fun game!
I'm still in the beginning of the game (only a level 13) but I'm already getting really into it. I have no clue how to give a game review as it's really not my thing but I find the graphics pretty good, and the story is interesting.
Anyways my handle is: GeryGiggles#1585 and this is my character:
28 July 2012
First off. Thank you to everyone who helped us move. You guys helped the move go smooth. Also, Nick and Matt, I apologize for the size of my couch and picking the top most floor to move too.
Here is a wonderful picture of the fireplace. I can't wait to decorate it for Christmas.
Work has been going marvellously, my boss trusts me enough to leave me alone for a week. I think I managed not to destroy anything. We'll see on Monday I guess.
So next week I am going somewhere I have never been before, somewhere I have been wanting to go for a long time. The STATES. DUH DUH DUH. heh. No but seriously I have been wanting to go for like ever, and I am an hour away. What the crap!? I am going with a friend and we are staying in Plattsburgh for a night. Her dad paid for the hotel room so that's pretty sweet. There will be pictures! You have been warned.
Last night I did something to myself. A couple of weeks ago I realized that I am sick of being the "should have been a red head red head", I was sick of people thinking I have grey hair when my roots come out (not saying it's bad but it was just my natural blonde, not grey hair) and feeling sorry for me. I was starting to miss my natural hair colour. It has been 12 years since I've seen my blonde hair. The husband dated, engaged and MARRIED a fake red head. He's never ever seen my blonde hair, except pictures but that's not really the same. All the friends I've made in the last few years have never seen my blonde hair. They just think of me as the "should have been a red head red head".
So last night I entered the hair salon with blood pressure rising to max levels (if only I could power up!) and with my really good friend holding my hand as I went through the process. It took like 4 hours to get me almost to a blonde. I'm kinda like a strawberry blonde. There is only so much bleach you can add at once and then your hair just gives up. He dyed it a blonde afterwards to make the colour even. He loved how my hair turned out, Laura loves my hair and most importantly the husband loves my hair. Me? Well I'm still adjusting to it. Now because it's blonde I miss my long hair and really want my hair to grow fast (I started the growing out process 2 months ago).
I have been told my whole life that blonde hair on me looks bad, my natural hair colour does not suit me. So I'm having trouble getting used to the face in the mirror. While the blonde isn't quite my natural colour yet it's a lot closer than the red was! In about a month or so I should be almost at my natural colour. Depending on how this colour grows out I might go back for a final bleaching or I might just leave it. We'll see.
Here are the before and after pictures:
O! This coming Friday the husband and I along with other people are going to check this out:
I am looking forward to trying a bunch of yummy food and hopefully some good wine!
Here is a wonderful picture of the fireplace. I can't wait to decorate it for Christmas.
Work has been going marvellously, my boss trusts me enough to leave me alone for a week. I think I managed not to destroy anything. We'll see on Monday I guess.
So next week I am going somewhere I have never been before, somewhere I have been wanting to go for a long time. The STATES. DUH DUH DUH. heh. No but seriously I have been wanting to go for like ever, and I am an hour away. What the crap!? I am going with a friend and we are staying in Plattsburgh for a night. Her dad paid for the hotel room so that's pretty sweet. There will be pictures! You have been warned.
Last night I did something to myself. A couple of weeks ago I realized that I am sick of being the "should have been a red head red head", I was sick of people thinking I have grey hair when my roots come out (not saying it's bad but it was just my natural blonde, not grey hair) and feeling sorry for me. I was starting to miss my natural hair colour. It has been 12 years since I've seen my blonde hair. The husband dated, engaged and MARRIED a fake red head. He's never ever seen my blonde hair, except pictures but that's not really the same. All the friends I've made in the last few years have never seen my blonde hair. They just think of me as the "should have been a red head red head".
So last night I entered the hair salon with blood pressure rising to max levels (if only I could power up!) and with my really good friend holding my hand as I went through the process. It took like 4 hours to get me almost to a blonde. I'm kinda like a strawberry blonde. There is only so much bleach you can add at once and then your hair just gives up. He dyed it a blonde afterwards to make the colour even. He loved how my hair turned out, Laura loves my hair and most importantly the husband loves my hair. Me? Well I'm still adjusting to it. Now because it's blonde I miss my long hair and really want my hair to grow fast (I started the growing out process 2 months ago).
I have been told my whole life that blonde hair on me looks bad, my natural hair colour does not suit me. So I'm having trouble getting used to the face in the mirror. While the blonde isn't quite my natural colour yet it's a lot closer than the red was! In about a month or so I should be almost at my natural colour. Depending on how this colour grows out I might go back for a final bleaching or I might just leave it. We'll see.
Here are the before and after pictures:
O! This coming Friday the husband and I along with other people are going to check this out:
I am looking forward to trying a bunch of yummy food and hopefully some good wine!
28 May 2012
The Fans spin and spin
Alright then, I have been gone awhile.
So here we go.
First, we are moving in a month. I am flipping out man!! Too many things to do! I have been slowing packing up the living room (two bookcases took up 10 medium boxes...there might be a problem) and I have been getting rid of things. I gave two very overloaded garbage bag of clothes to Centraid so I am accomplishing things. Slowly. We also have our moving truck for a full day, which is awesome, and we have someone who is very willing to come drive the truck and help us move. Thank you boyfriend of my aunts sister!
What else? O yes...I managed to make it through my exams even though an hour into my first exam I seriously wanted to cry. I could feel my eyes watering up. That criminal exam destroyed something in me. The other three exams went by ok, although on my last day I seriously could not retain anything and then midway through the exam a phone started playing music and I kept thinking that it was my phone that turned on and started playing the songs I was listening too, which naturally meant I could not concentrate so I pretty much just half assed the rest of the exam. Last week I got all my marks in and to my great surprise I passed everything, even that damn criminal exam!
I couldn't believe it. After being gone for a semester, dealing with another death in the family I still managed to get a pretty good overall average for this semester.
And then the day after my last exam I started my first day of my summer job. On May 7 I interviewed for a summer job and about 4 hours later I got the call saying I got the job. It's in a pretty good location and I like the people I work with. Although I am doing work I have never done before. I am an administrative assistant and there is so much to learn! Anyways I am glad to have the job, it's one less thing to worry about and I could possibly have this job until I graduate if my school schedule allows it.
So yeah, that is what happened. I feel like I am forgetting something.....o yes.
I went to see Avengers last week with the husband and the littlest brother and yeah, I am totally fangirling over a character. I honestly can not explain it but I feel like I am 14 again and it's so very wrong. Hell if I find a poster at Walmart I am probably going to stick it in my room. The husband will just have to deal with it.
So here we go.
First, we are moving in a month. I am flipping out man!! Too many things to do! I have been slowing packing up the living room (two bookcases took up 10 medium boxes...there might be a problem) and I have been getting rid of things. I gave two very overloaded garbage bag of clothes to Centraid so I am accomplishing things. Slowly. We also have our moving truck for a full day, which is awesome, and we have someone who is very willing to come drive the truck and help us move. Thank you boyfriend of my aunts sister!
What else? O yes...I managed to make it through my exams even though an hour into my first exam I seriously wanted to cry. I could feel my eyes watering up. That criminal exam destroyed something in me. The other three exams went by ok, although on my last day I seriously could not retain anything and then midway through the exam a phone started playing music and I kept thinking that it was my phone that turned on and started playing the songs I was listening too, which naturally meant I could not concentrate so I pretty much just half assed the rest of the exam. Last week I got all my marks in and to my great surprise I passed everything, even that damn criminal exam!
I couldn't believe it. After being gone for a semester, dealing with another death in the family I still managed to get a pretty good overall average for this semester.
And then the day after my last exam I started my first day of my summer job. On May 7 I interviewed for a summer job and about 4 hours later I got the call saying I got the job. It's in a pretty good location and I like the people I work with. Although I am doing work I have never done before. I am an administrative assistant and there is so much to learn! Anyways I am glad to have the job, it's one less thing to worry about and I could possibly have this job until I graduate if my school schedule allows it.
So yeah, that is what happened. I feel like I am forgetting something.....o yes.
I went to see Avengers last week with the husband and the littlest brother and yeah, I am totally fangirling over a character. I honestly can not explain it but I feel like I am 14 again and it's so very wrong. Hell if I find a poster at Walmart I am probably going to stick it in my room. The husband will just have to deal with it.
13 April 2012
Sahib is an Indian Restaurant in Pointe-Claire at the corner of Hymus and St.Jean. We have been going to this restaurant for years and we have yet to get sick of anything. They recently renovated the restaurant (The months they were closed just about killed me) and I have to say it's a lot nicer than before. There is actually a bar where you can sit, order beer and eat curry. Yum. The owner often makes the rounds to see how everyone is doing and the other employees are all very nice and welcoming.
The prices are a little high but the food is excellent. On weekdays they do a very reasonably priced lunch buffet. I often take the husband to the lunch buffet for his birthday :). They arrange a couple of main dishes, soups, many sides and dessert on one side of the restaurant and for about 13$ a person you can eat until you're about to burst.
We often do take out from them since we like to come home, grab some beer and watch a good movie while enjoying the food. Wednesday was such a day, although the "movie" was the newest episode of GCB :P.
When I order out I tend to stick to the same main dish. Chicken Dhansak. I love this dish. I crave it sometimes. I have tried to make it myself but I can never get it right. It's so creamy and full of lentils. Some days it's very spicy and others not so much, but I don't mind at all. The husband usually orders the Ginger Chicken. I will let him tell you about that as I can't eat it because ginger tastes like soap :P.
Lentil Soup. I could live off of this soup. It is amazing. At the lunch buffet I pretty much just fill up on it. It is so creamy, the spices are not overwhelming, and they don't fully blend the lentils. It is thick but not thick all at the same time.
We order the plain basmati rice. When you order a main meal you have the choice between the rice or naan and most times it is the rice. They often put onions on top and the rice is lightly spiced. I am not a fan of plain rice in general but I will eat their rice plain.
Chicken Dhansak. Creamy, Spicy,Thick, Delicious. Some days they put ginger on top other days they put coriander. I prefer the coriander to the ginger obviously :P. I could tell them to not put ginger on but I honestly don't care, I just pick it out and give it to the husband.
For those who CAN eat ginger, this is a great dish. Hot, savoury, but with a burn that ends when you stop eating it (isn't ginger GREAT?!)
Their butter chicken is also worth a try. It's spicy and very creamy. We also sometimes order the onion bhajia which is pretty much fired onion dough balls. We also order the onion kulcha, naan bread stuffed with onions and spices.
I highly recommend checking this restaurant out if you're ever in the West Island.
Side Note: I will add other pictures and reviews of other dishes they offer as I order them :)
The prices are a little high but the food is excellent. On weekdays they do a very reasonably priced lunch buffet. I often take the husband to the lunch buffet for his birthday :). They arrange a couple of main dishes, soups, many sides and dessert on one side of the restaurant and for about 13$ a person you can eat until you're about to burst.
We often do take out from them since we like to come home, grab some beer and watch a good movie while enjoying the food. Wednesday was such a day, although the "movie" was the newest episode of GCB :P.
When I order out I tend to stick to the same main dish. Chicken Dhansak. I love this dish. I crave it sometimes. I have tried to make it myself but I can never get it right. It's so creamy and full of lentils. Some days it's very spicy and others not so much, but I don't mind at all. The husband usually orders the Ginger Chicken. I will let him tell you about that as I can't eat it because ginger tastes like soap :P.
Lentil Soup. I could live off of this soup. It is amazing. At the lunch buffet I pretty much just fill up on it. It is so creamy, the spices are not overwhelming, and they don't fully blend the lentils. It is thick but not thick all at the same time.
We order the plain basmati rice. When you order a main meal you have the choice between the rice or naan and most times it is the rice. They often put onions on top and the rice is lightly spiced. I am not a fan of plain rice in general but I will eat their rice plain.
Chicken Dhansak. Creamy, Spicy,Thick, Delicious. Some days they put ginger on top other days they put coriander. I prefer the coriander to the ginger obviously :P. I could tell them to not put ginger on but I honestly don't care, I just pick it out and give it to the husband.
For those who CAN eat ginger, this is a great dish. Hot, savoury, but with a burn that ends when you stop eating it (isn't ginger GREAT?!)
Their butter chicken is also worth a try. It's spicy and very creamy. We also sometimes order the onion bhajia which is pretty much fired onion dough balls. We also order the onion kulcha, naan bread stuffed with onions and spices.
I highly recommend checking this restaurant out if you're ever in the West Island.
Side Note: I will add other pictures and reviews of other dishes they offer as I order them :)

02 April 2012
And Life Goes On
So a lot of things have gone down in the last Month. So far I have passed two midterms, one I don't know the mark yet and the other has been moved around so much I could care less about it...not quiet true. I want to pass but I just can't stress about it anymore. I have no more stress to give!
Besides that I went and got a new tattoo. It has no meaning, no long sad story to go with it. I got it because I liked the design. Simple. It's on my thigh and right now it's driving me up the wall with how itchy it is!
3 months to go before we move. I am so not ready for this. If I could I'd just get rid of everything and buy new things...or have a glass of wine and pay someone else to pack. I'm trying to be smart this time and pack things ahead of time and get rid of things we don't want. I will probably spend some of Easter break packing things up or do homework. Neither one sounds like fun.
A couple of weeks ago my father in law lost the fight to cancer. He was fighting for about a year and it looked like he beat it last last year but it came back. We knew it was coming but it's still not easy. We have no more dads to go to for dad things. The husband has been handling it pretty good. He has his odd moments here and there. They will never go away. I just have to be there for him when those moments get to be too much.
The husband also shaved his head. He was talking about it for years and finally decided to just do it. He looks great with a shaved head :). I don't think he realized the amount of work in keeping a head shaved and has been talking about growing his hair back (which takes like 2 days to get to the length he had it at before the shave). It took me a few days to get used to the feeling of a bare scalp but after a couple of shaves the skin felt normal.
I guess I should get to the studying...
Well after I read one more article........
Besides that I went and got a new tattoo. It has no meaning, no long sad story to go with it. I got it because I liked the design. Simple. It's on my thigh and right now it's driving me up the wall with how itchy it is!
3 months to go before we move. I am so not ready for this. If I could I'd just get rid of everything and buy new things...or have a glass of wine and pay someone else to pack. I'm trying to be smart this time and pack things ahead of time and get rid of things we don't want. I will probably spend some of Easter break packing things up or do homework. Neither one sounds like fun.
A couple of weeks ago my father in law lost the fight to cancer. He was fighting for about a year and it looked like he beat it last last year but it came back. We knew it was coming but it's still not easy. We have no more dads to go to for dad things. The husband has been handling it pretty good. He has his odd moments here and there. They will never go away. I just have to be there for him when those moments get to be too much.
The husband also shaved his head. He was talking about it for years and finally decided to just do it. He looks great with a shaved head :). I don't think he realized the amount of work in keeping a head shaved and has been talking about growing his hair back (which takes like 2 days to get to the length he had it at before the shave). It took me a few days to get used to the feeling of a bare scalp but after a couple of shaves the skin felt normal.
I guess I should get to the studying...
Well after I read one more article........
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